Poulan 501628301 Sprocket Clutch Drum

  • $12.49
88 in stock

Husqvarna Clutch Drum Part Number: 501628301 Substitutes/Replacement for: 530057905 This Part is known to be Compatible with the following vehicles: na


  • OEM Part Number: 501628301 Replaces Previous OEM Part Numbers: 530057905
  • Fits Poulan Models: P3314 (Type 1), P3314 (Type 2), P3314WS (Type 1), P3416 (Type 2), P3816 (Type 1), P3818, P3818AV (Type 1), P4018, P4018, P4018AV, P4018AV, P4018AVBH, P4018WM (Type 1), P4018WT
  • Fits Jonsered Model: CS2138 C
  • Encases the clutch in the models; When the engine gets up to a certain speed the clutch will engage the Drum Assembly and the chain will start to spin.
  • The sprocket which is part of the Drum Assembly, is the part that drives the chain. The 3/8 indicates the pitch of the chain that is needed for the saw.

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